Ocracoke Harbor Nocturne on treated arches paper 2025

Ocracoke Harbor after the nocturne 

Klem Farm 2023
pastel on treated paper
private collection

Mira at Sequoia Park
pastel on treated paper 2022
private collection

"Alameda" 20x28
pastel on treated paper 2020
private collection

"Keystone Mountain Park 1" 2020
private collection

"Keystone Mountain Park 2" 2020
private collection

"Autumn Maple"


"October Light" and "Self-Portrait"

at Cairo OperaHouse Contemporary Gallery

Aerial Graphics of 30 day celebration at Red rock JCC

"Italian Cross Study"
oil on canvas
private collection

In 2006 I was asked to submit a passion statement regarding my work at the Red Rock Job Corps Center in Lopez PA. The great administrators helped me create a thriving arts program that expanded over my 30 years of teaching there.

Passion Statement 

I came to Job Corps by a “twist of fate” and with many coincidences happening find myself where I am presently. Art was a marginal area when I came into the program in 1982 and it is still actually marginal in the larger scope of the program today. Even so I have gained a strong hold at the Red Rock center and growing support in our region. Others have also at least recognized me as strength in arts application on the national scene in Job Corps.

Looking back at my experience I am compelled to realize that I have probably identified with our students in the program in the area of how broken homes have affected their development. Through my own process and many student testimonials, I have gained an appreciation for the healing capacity of the arts and now understand why this alone makes it a valuable resource for our students’ education and development process. 

One of our Center Directors referred to the application of arts as an ideal that we can only take “baby-steps” with. He also informed me at an earlier date that the quality of student art just does not really matter as a factor for justification. I think I understand why that is when we consider the long-term stigma that associates artists with being underemployed and poor. In another sense, arts is also identified as a forum for environmental issues, the  “Gay” movement,  women’s rights issues and other social/political issues. I believe that arts are subdued often because of its powerful influencing capacity in the face of these controversial issues.  Unfortunately, for our children who really could use the healing power and educational dynamics of arts they are kept excluded from what can be called an expendable luxury or political nuisance. For whatever reasons, the idea of arts as a fringe program still remains in the minds of Job Corps administrators. It is in evidence widely, with many centers showing a weak commitment to implementing arts. And according to the design of the program they are within tolerable limits to interpret that arts are expendable. 

In my efforts to advocate the application of arts more widely I have been invited to speak to groups frequently about my program at Red Rock as well as my own artwork. I have exhibited consistently since my graduation from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in 1977. Some of my exhibitions have been shared with students during important events such as exhibits on capitol hill in Washington DC twice; once during our bid for the National Medal of Arts in 1997 and secondly during the inclusion in the “Breaking the Walls of Stigma, Bias and Prejudice” international exhibit that appeared in the Dirksen Senate office Building in 2001. That exhibit traveled to the UN buildings in New York City during August 2001 (at the 10th annual Indigenous Peoples Day”) and Durban South Africa during the “World Conference Against Racism” in September of 2001.  The connection made with these noted exhibits came about due to the consistent networking that goes on at Red Rock. The artist and organizer of these exhibits, Marietta Dantonio-Fryer, Professor of art from Cheney University, had direct contact with our student population and as quoted in a news article said “I knew I couldn’t do this alone. I have worked with Dan before. The talent of his students and depth of emotion in their work is astounding.” It is common for professionals looking into our program to see and acknowledge strength in the connection of arts with our at-risk youth. This is also to be supported by the decision made by President Clinton in 1998 to create the “Coming Up Taller” award that is sponsored by the Presidents’ Committee on Arts and Humanities. This award honors organizations that create art programs that support underserved children.  It is a curious observation I can share with you that in 1997 Senator Santorum nominated Red Rock for the “President’s National Medal of Arts” award. It is not a new idea to connect at-risk youth with arts and it is not a new idea that arts support excellence across the span of all subjects important for development of our next generation. 

RRJCC students at the UN building in NY city

Red Rock students in Ithaca at museum of art

Stained glass class in the art center at RRJCC

Jack's stained glass chess set

Blue's "Last Supper" image shared in a soup kitchen in Tunkhannock PA

                           Artist Statement July 17 , 2020

Many of my pastels are done en plein air and are a part of the tradition of working directly from a subject. With the challenge of capturing the fleeting light and changing elements outdoors my pictures are often surprising in their development. I love to seek the balance of color which is my own perception of color and is my unique experience to share. My choice of natural subject matter is easy to find while I live in the middle of the woods surrounded by fields, trees and next to a beautiful lake. My travel allows me to visit sites of natural beauty in different areas of our country. I also enjoyed producing about a dozen paintings while cruising down the Nile River in Egypt. Many of my plein air subjects are quite interpretive such as “Afternoon Poplars” 2005 and The Firetower” 2015. You can see lines and colors that are applied with quick energetic strokes and lines. Those plein air works and my paintings concerning social/political issues are seen on my web-site. The social/political works are usually produced in the studio using my imagination to create the effects.  In 2010 I produced a diptych on the subject of fracking in the area that I live. The diptych was seen in several exhibits and associated with the climate problem. It tied the Pope's statement on climate to those exhibits. In 2000 I participated in the World Conference Against Racism and joined my students with my silk banner titled “Spiritual Poverty.”  

Through my painting experiences I have developed a deep appreciation for the harmonious balance found in our natural world. It has become our challenge to adapt to the role of responsible caretakers of our home. Education is of vital importance to steer our priorities and development of improvements in our systems and technology. The vitality of a learning environment is creativity and imagination. I like Einstein's perception that "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Can we imagine living in harmony with our natural world and begin to create the ideas that will elevate and clean up our systems and use of technology?  In nature we have a model of perfection for harmony and balance that I aspire to capture in my art.  I believe that it is this harmony and balance that is viable when connected to other areas of learning and living. Through a reordering of priorities putting ethics and morality in charge, we can capture these dynamics and integrate them into our systems.  This will be difficult or impossible without the fresh optimism of a new generation of connected creative thinkers. This will also be difficult or impossible to initiate without a leader who believes in science and facts.

"Afternoon Poplars" 2005 PA

"Firetower"2025 NC

"Pope Francis 2015"
Pope Francis on Climate Change

On September 24th of 2015  Pope Francis provided his insights to our country when he visited the US and addressed a joint session of congress. At that time he spoke of the plight of the poor and refugees, income inequality among other things. He also mentioned protecting the planet from climate change and pollution. During September of  2016 he was quoted below;
ByBradford Richardson- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 1, 2016
Pope Francis is imploring Catholics to confess their sins against the environment, calling the degradation of the climate a “sin against God.”
In his message marking the World day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on Thursday, the pontiff said climate change is caused in part by human activity, leads to extreme weather and disproportionately affects the least advantaged around the world.
“Global warming continues, due in part to human activity: 2015 was the warmest year on record, and 2016 will likely be warmer still,” Francis said. “This is leading to ever more severe droughts, floods, fires and extreme weather events.”
”The world’s poor, though least responsible for climate change, are most vulnerable and already suffering its impact,” he said.
Citing last year’s controversial encyclical on the environment, “Laudato Si,” the pontiff said “for human beings to contaminate the earth’s waters, its land, its air, and its life “these are sins.”
He added that “to commit a crime against the natural world is a sin against ourselves and a sin against God”


Dan Curry 138 Hochberg Road Dushore, PA 18614 570-637-5028 dannylcurry@gmail.com www.dan-curry.com


2019-2020 Teaching Artist Certification University of the Arts Philadelphia PA
1998-present   Bradford County Regional Arts Council (BCRAC): Arts in Education training         
1998-present   Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA) PCA roster artist since 1998
1973-77   The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts   Philadelphia, PA       
1972   Philadelphia College of Art   Philadelphia, PA
1970-71 US Army Food Inspection training (USDA specs)
1967-69   Florissant Valley Community College   St. Louis, MO

Art Education Workshops

2013   PCA, Keystone Theater   “Autism and the Arts”   Towanda PA
2010   Skillpath Seminar “The Conference for Adobe Creative Suite”   Allentown, PA
2004   PCA   “Early-Childhood Learning through the Arts” Sayre PA
2002   PCA   Roster Artist Conference: “Special Needs Students”   Philadelphia PA
1998, 1999   PCA   Capitol Conference   Harrisburg, PA
1998   PCA   Arts in Education Conference   Millersville, PA
1998   BCRAC   Arts-in-Education Workshop   Towanda, PA
1998   BCRAC   Arts-in-Education Workshop   Sayre PA
1993   PA Arts Education Association (PAEA), Bloomsburg University   Reg. 8 Mini-Conference   Bloomsburg, PA    
1988   Princeton University   “Advanced Placement in Art and Art History”   Princeton, NJ
Guest Artists Workshops/Residencies at Red Rock JCC
2007, 2008   Writing residencies   Larry Bassett
2007   Music residency   Sadie Green Jug Band                        
2002   “Poem Fusion” 9/11 commemorative”   Craig Czury
2001, 2003   “Batik and Clay work” residency   Gail Jones
2001   “Poem Fusion” residency   Craig Czury
2000   “3-D Box Constructions”   Maria McMahon  
1999   ”Silk Painting”   Marietta Dantonio
1983, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1996   “Hand-building”, “Pit-firing clay work”, and “Throwing on the Potter’s Wheel”   Bonnie Hart   (Pottery Instructor   Roberson Center   Binghamton, NY)
1992, 2001   “Stained Glass Techniques”   Joe Barlett
1991   “Jewelry Designs in Sterling Silver”   Twila O’Connel
Workshops at their studios
1991-2001   Creative Writing Workshop   Mollie Eliot, Laporte PA
2001   “Silk Banner Workshop for UN exhibit”   Marietta Dantonio Laporte PA
1995   “Printmaking Workshop”   Sharon Bower   Wilkes University
1990-2012   Studio Tour   Brian Keeler   Wyalusing, PA
1986   Woodcarving   Emil Milan   Thompson, PA
1984   Pottery Demo   Beverly Burdo   Arnot Art Museum   Elmira, NY
1982   Pottery Demo   Bonnie Hart   Roberson Center

Teaching Experience

1998-present   Pennsylvania Council on the Arts   Arts in Education Roster Artist
1982-2012   Red Rock Job Corps Center   Art Instructor
1993-2012   Job Corps Region 2 Festival   Administrator/Coordinator
2005 (GST BOCES)   Arts in Education Roster Artist   Elmira, NY

Education Awards

2008   Sullivan County Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Professional Instructor
1994, 2003   Job Corps   Staff member of the Year (MTC corporate-wide)
1994   Red Rock High School   Golden Apple Award

Special Acknowledgements

1997, 1998   Red Rock JCC Arts Program   nominated for the National Medal of Arts
1999, 2000   Red Rock JCC Arts Program   nominated for the “Coming up Taller” Award
1997   nominated individually for National Medal of Arts

Workshops and Residencies

January-March 2025  Pastel Instruction at Beaufort Community College in NC
2022 PCA Artist Residency at the DeWire Center in Eagles Mere sponsored by the Eagles Mere Friends of the Arts.
2020-2024 PCA Artist Residencies for Sullivan County Library and Sullivan County Council on the Arts plein air outdoors at Keystone Mountain Park and other areas of interest in the NEPA area.
2016 & 2024- PCA Artist Ressidency at Sullivan Terrace Senior Center Dushore PA
2019 PCA Artist Residency at Danville Head Start Danville PA
2018 PCA Artist residency at Berwick Head Start Berwick PA                
2015-16 Artist in residence at Ocracoke NC School
 2014 Artist residency at Ocracoke School, Jan-March Ocracoke              
 2012   PCA, Head Start   Artist-in residence (30-day)   Dushore, PA
2005-2007   Independent   Plein Air workshop   Lockwood, NY
2005-present   Independent   Plein Air workshop   Sullivan County, PA
2007   BOCES, Broadmore Elementary   Artist in residence   Elmira, NY
2007   BOCES, Pine City Elementary   Artist in residence   Elmira, NY
2004   PCA, Sullivan County Elementary   Artist in residence   Laporte, PA
2004   Arts Council of Troy   Plein Air workshop demo   Troy, PA
2003   PCA, Montoursville High School   Artist-in residence   Montoursville, PA
2003   Rekindle the Spirit Inc.   Pastel workshop at Manley Bolayer Farm Canton, PA  
2001   Bald Eagle Art League   Pastel workshop   Montoursville, PA
1984-present   Private Art Instruction
1982-1983   PA College of Technology   Adult Evening Pastel Painting   Williamsport PA
1981-1982   Arnot Art Museum   Workshops for public school systems   Elmira, NY

Art Exhibition Highlights


2020-present-River Walk Gallery-ongoing-Washington NC
2023-November-December-Sullivan County Library-Dushore PA
2020-Sullivan Terrace Community Center-exhibit onoing-Dushore PA
2019-present-Tranters Creek Resort community exhibit ongoing-Washington NC
2021-22 NC visiting artist series at North Carolina Estaurium, Washington NC 
2019-the 55th Annual Fine Arts Show-Turnage Theaater Washington NC-plein air award 
2019-Still Life and Landscapes at Sullivan Terrace June-August 2019
2018- Mattie Art Center Swan Quarter NC
2017 “Dan Curry Landscapes” Sullivan County Library in Dushore PA Jan-March
2016 "Selected Work" at Marquis Art and Frame Gallery in Scranton PA
2014 "Dan Curry Selected work from 1974-2014" Retrospective at Blue Heron Art Gallery
2013   ”Seeking the Muse”   Blue Heron Art Gallery   Wyalusing, PA
2012   ”American Heartland-Landscapes”   Blue Heron Art Gallery   Wyalusing, PA
2011   Solo Exhibit   EMCA Gallery   Tunkhannock PA
2010   ”Face to Face, Interface”   Blue Heron Art Gallery   Wyalusing, PA
2010   ”Bright Earth”   Blue Heron Art Gallery   Wyalusing, PA
2010   “The Art of Education”     PA College of Technology   Williamsport, PA  
2010”When Life is Still”   Blue Heron Art Gallery   Wyalusing, PA
2007 Art from Egypt Sense & Serendipity Gallery Dushore PA
2006   “International Artists for Peace and Humanity”   Cairo Opera House Egypt     
2006   “Recent Pastels and Watercolors”   Secret Garden Gallery   Ocracoke, NC
2005   “Old Friends”   Dan Curry, Jill Rupinski, James Rose and Diane Chanakos   Sense & Serendipity Gallery
2005   “Images of Winter: Our Landscapes, Our Towns” (invitational)   Blue Heron Art Gallery   Wyalusing, PA
2004-2010 Dan Curry (ongoing) Sense & Serendipity Gallery Dushore PA
2004   “Red Rock 2004” (combined invitational exhibit featuring students and their teacher)   EMCA gallery   Tunkhannock, PA
2004   “Plein Air Pastels”   Tudor Bookshop   Clarks Summit, PA  
2003   “Landscapes and Seascapes” (invitational)   BEAL Gallery, City Hall   Williamsport, PA
2003   7th Annual EMCA Regional Exhibit (juried by Dr. Ron Bernier of Wilkes University)   Tunkhannock, PA   “Best of Show”
2002   Susquehanna Valley Festival of the Arts: Regional Exhibit at PA College of Technology, B&S Art Gallery Corporate award
2001   ”Art Moves” (a traveling exhibit of works by PCA Artists)
2000   7th annual North Branch Arts Festival: “Pennsylvania Pastelists Rob Starkey and Dan Curry” Wyalusing, PA
2000   “Red Rock Experience 1990-2000” (Solo show)    Nexus Foundation for Today’s Art: Resource Room   Philadelphia, PA
2000   PCA   Roster Artist Show   Sayre Theatre   Sayre, PA
2000   Solo Exhibit   Tombstone Café   Waverly, NY
2000   Solo Exhibit   Wyoming County Courthouse   Tunkhannock PA
2000   2-person show with potter, Crissy Matter   Bald Eagle Art League   
1999   4th Annual Regional Art Exhibition   Endless Mountains Council on the Arts (EMCA)   Tunkhannock, PA    
1999   Featured Artist   Garret Art Gallery   Muncy Valley, PA
1999   Solo Exhibit   Community Arts Center   Williamsport, PA
1999   Solo Exhibit   Bullfrog Brewery   Williamsport PA
1999   Invitational Exhibit   State of the Art Gallery   Ithaca, NY
1998   Invitational Exhibit   EMCA   Tunkhannock PA       
1998   Invitational regional exhibit   Wayne County Tourist Center Honesdale PA
1997   Russell Rotunda in Capitol (combined invitational exhibit featuring students and their teacher) Washington D.C.
1996   5-person show Sullivan County Council on the Arts Dushore PA
1996   Susquehanna Art Society 11th Biennial Northeast Regional   Selinsgrove, PA
1994, 1995   North Branch Regional Art Exhibition   Wyalusing, PA
1994   Featured Artist   Strawbridge Art Gallery   Muncy Valley, PA
1994   “AFA Open”   Artist for Art Gallery    Scranton, PA
1993   96th Annual Fellowship Exhibition (juried by Wolf Kahn & Emily Mason)   The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts: Woodmere Art Museum   Philadelphia, PA
1993   Bradford County Regional Art Tour   Wyalusing, PA
1993   Bald Eagle Art League National Art Exhibition (juried by Daniel E. Greene)   B & S Gallery   Williamsport, PA
1978, 1991   Williamsport Regional Art Exhibition   Williamsport, PA
1985   Group Exhibition   Siesta Key Gallery   Sarasota, FL
1984   Invitational Exhibit for “Artists in the 111th legislative district”   State Capitol   Harrisburg, PA
1978   Solo Exhibit   Post Rail Gallery   Eagles Mere, PA